Argentine monetary units
Monetary unit | Legal norm | Current from |
Peso Moneda Nacional | Law No.1130, modified by Law No.3871 | 5-NOV-1881 |
Peso Ley | Law No. 18188 | 1-JAN-1970 |
Peso argentino | Executive Decree No. 22707 | 1-JUN-1983 |
Austral | Executive Decree No. 1096 | 15-JUN-1985 |
Peso | Executive Decree No. 2128 and Convertibility Law | 1-JAN-1992 |
Peso moneda nacional
With the passing of Law 1130, modified by Law 3871 of November 4th 1899 the PESO MONEDA NACIONAL (m$n) was established
as the Argentine monetary unit.
Denomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
1 centavo | 1882 | 21-APR-59 | 2-JAN-60 |
2 centavos | 1882 | 21-APR-59 | 2-JAN-60 |
5 centavos | 1896 | 31-JAN-65 | 1-JUL-65 |
10 centavos | 1896 | 21-JAN-66 | 1-JUL-66 |
20 centavos | 1896 | 31-JAN-67 | 1-APR-67 |
50 centavos | 1941 | 31-JAN-69 | 29-MAR-78 |
1 m$n | 1957 | 1-OCT-74 | 29-MAR-78 |
5 m$n | 1961 | 12-ABR-76 | 29-MAR-78 |
10 m$n | 1962 | 12-JUL-76 | 29-MAR-78 |
25 m$n | 1964 | 12-JUL-76 | 29-MAR-78 |
Denomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
50 centavos | 1942 | 31-DEC-60 | 31-DEC-62 |
1 m$n | 1935 | 31-DEC-60 | 29-DEC-62 |
5 m$n | 1935 | 31-JAN-65 | 1-JUL-65 |
10 m$n | 17-MAR-36 | 31-JAN-65 | 1-JUL-65 |
50 m$n (1) | 10-SEP-36 | 30-MAR-68 | 1-JUL-75 |
50 m$n (2) | 2-JAN-43 | 30-SEP-68 | 29-MAR-78 |
100 m$n (1) | 14-AUG-36 | 30-MAR-68 | 1-JUL-75 |
100 m$n (2) | 23-DEC-43 | 30-SEP-68 | 29-MAR-78 |
500 m$n (1) | 21-DEC-44 | 30-MAR-68 | 1-JUL-75 |
500 m$n (2) | 25-NOV-64 | 30-SEP-68 | 29-MAR-78 |
1000 m$n | 21-DEC-44 | 1-JUL-75 | 29-MAR-78 |
5000 m$n | 4-OCT-62 | 1-JUL-75 | 29-MAR-78 |
10000 m$n | 18-DEC-61 | 1-JUL-75 | 29-MAR-78 |
(1) First design
(2) Second design
Peso Ley
With the passing of the Law 18188, on April 5th 1969, current as from January 1st 1970,
the PESO LEY 18.188 ($ ley) was established as the
Argentine monetary unit.
The relation between this line and its predecessor, the Peso Moneda Nacional line, was 1 $Ley = 100 m$n.
Denomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
1 centavo | 1-JAN-70 | 31-OCT-79 | 28-DEC-79 |
5 centavos | 18-MAY-70 | 31-OCT-79 | 28-DEC-79 |
10 centavos | 1-JAN-70 | 31-OCT-79 | 28-DEC-79 |
20 centavos | 18-MAY-70 | 31-OCT-79 | 28-DEC-79 |
50 centavos | 1-JAN-70 | 31-OCT-79 | 28-DEC-79 |
1 $ Ley | 1-OCT-74 | 2-JAN-84 | 30-MAR-84 |
5 $ Ley | 12-APR-76 | 2-JAN-84 | 30-MAR-84 |
10 $Ley | 12-JUL-76 | 2-JAN-84 | 30-MAR-84 |
50 $ Ley | 1-AUG-78 | 2-JAN-84 | 30-MAR-84 |
100 $ Ley | 1-AUG-78 | 2-JAN-84 | 30-MAR-84 |
Denomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
1 $ Ley | 30-JAN-70 | 1-APR-81 | 1-APR-82 |
5 $ Ley | 24-NOV-71 | 1-APR-81 | 1-APR-82 |
10 $ Ley | 1-SEP-70 | 1-APR-81 | 1-APR-82 |
50 $ Ley | 15-MAR-72 | 1-APR-81 | 1-APR-82 |
100 $ Ley | 15-FEB-71 | 1-APR-81 | 1-APR-82 |
500 $ Ley | 30-NOV-72 | 2-APR-84 | 29-JUN-84 |
1000 $ Ley | 27-NOV-73 | 2-APR-84 | 29-JUN-84 |
5000 $ Ley | 12-DEC-77 | 2-APR-84 | 26-JUN-84 |
10000 $ Ley | 25-OCT-76 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
50000 $ Ley | 19-FEB-79 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
100000 $ Ley | 1-NOV-79 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
500000 $ Ley | 28-JUL-80 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
1000000 $ Ley | 25-NOV-81 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
Peso Argentino
By means of the Decree 22707 current from June 1st 1983, the PESO
ARGENTINO ($a) established as the Argentine monetary unit.
The relation between this line and its predecessor, the Peso Ley line, was 1 $a = 10000 $ Ley.
Denomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
1 centavo | 1-JUN-83 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
5 centavos | 1-JUN-83 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
10 centavos | 1-JUN-83 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
50 centavos | 1-JUN-83 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
1 $a | 6-JUL-84 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
5 $a | 3-DEC-84 | 31-JUL-91 | 30-SEP-91 |
10 $a | 3-DEC-84 | 31-JUL-91 | 30-SEP-91 |
50 $a | 31-MAY-85 | 31-JUL-91 | 30-SEP-91 |
DDenomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
1 $a | 1-JUN-83 | 19-JUL-85 | 11-OCT-85 |
5 $a | 1-JUN-83 | 31-MAY-87 | 1-DEC-87 |
10 $a | 1-JUN-83 | 31-MAY-87 | 1-DEC-87 |
50 $a | 1-JUN-83 | 31-MAY-87 | 1-DEC-87 |
100 $a | 1-JUN-83 | 31-MAY-87 | 1-DEC-87 |
500 $a | 22-MAY-84 | 31-MAY-87 | 1-DEC-87 |
1000 $a | 31-OCT-84 | 30-NOV-87 | 1-JUL-88 |
5000 $a | 29-NOV-84 | 30-NOV-87 | 1-JUL-88 |
10000 $a | 3-APR-85 | 30-NOV-87 | 1-JUL-88 |
By means of the Decree 1096 of June 14th 1985, current as from June 15th 1985, the AUSTRAL (A) was established as the Argentine monetary unit.
The relation between this line and its predecessor, the Peso Argentino line, was 1 A = 1000 $a.
Denomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
1/2 centavo | 23-SEP-85 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
1 centavo | 23-SEP-85 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
5 centavos | 23-SEP-85 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
10 centavos | 14-OCT-85 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
50 centavos | 14-OCT-85 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
1 A | 27-MAR-89 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
5 A | 22-MAY-89 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-JAN-92 |
10 A | 26-JUN-89 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
100 A | 28-NOV-90 | 31-OCT-93 | 31-DEC-93 |
500 A | 1-NOV-90 | 31-OCT-93 | 31-DEC-93 |
1000 A | 28-NOV-90 | 31-OCT-93 | 31-DEC-93 |
Denomination | Issue | End of legal circulation | Demonetization |
1 A | 31-OCT-85 | 31-OCT-91 | 31-DEC-91 |
5 A | 28-FEB-86 | 31-OCT-91 | 31-DEC-91 |
10 A | 30-DEC-85 | 31-OCT-91 | 31-DEC-91 |
50 A | 23-JUN-86 | 31-DEC-91 | 1-MAR-92 |
100 A | 25-NOV-85 | 1-JUN-92 | 30-SEP-92 (*) |
500 A | 2-MAY-88 | 1-JUN-92 | 30-SEP-92 (*) |
1000 A | 30-SEP-88 | 1-JUN-92 | 30-SEP-92 (*) |
5000 A | 26-MAY-89 | 1-OCT-92 | 31-DEC-92 |
10000 A (P) | 31-JUL-89 | 31-AUG-91 | 31-OCT-91 |
10000 A (D) | 25-AUG-89 | 1-OCT-92 | 31-DEC-92 |
50000 A (P) | 2-JUN-89 | 31-AUG-91 | 31-OCT-91 |
50000 A (D) | 8-NOV-89 | 2-JAN-93 | 31-MAR-93 |
100000 A | 21-MAY-90 | 2-JAN-93 | 31-MAR-93 |
500000 A (P) | 2-JUL-90 | 31-OCT-91 | 31-DEC-91 |
500000 A (D) | 1-NOV-90 | 2-JAN-93 | 15-JAN-93 |
(*) The change was postponed till November 30th 1992.
(P) Provisional bills (Argentine peso series with seal clarifying its denomination in
(D) Definitive bills (austral series).