Peso Line - Bills and Coins

The current monetary line in the Argentine Republic is the CONVERTIBLE PESO LINE (Executive Power Decree Number 2128 of October 10th 1991 and Article 12 of Convertibility Law Number 23928 of March 27th 1991).

All previous lines are demonetized and not exchangeable. The Exchange between the current line and its predecessor, the Austral line, was 1 peso = 10000 Australes.

The bills corresponding to the current design have a uniform size of 155mm wide and 65mm in height. The paper used is 100% cotton fiber, weighing 83 grams per square meter, without fluorescence in ultraviolet light, with synthetic glues which give it greater resistance to movement and to humid environments.

Printing is done in three succesive stages, using different systems of complementary printing: offset, calcography and typography.

As is usual in countries with stable economies, five years after being launched it was decided to carry out some changes in the line, involving improvements in the engravings and the incorporation of more security elements.

The bills with new designs, which will be launched soon and in succesion, include improved designs, heavier paper (90 grams per square meter) in order to give them a longer average life, localized cylindrical cast watermark, which reproduces the portrait in the design oriented in the same direction, as well as other features which can be consulted after they are put into circulation, as was done with the 2 peso bill, issued on November 26th 1997.

Coins Bills current design Bills new design
1 cent 1 peso  
5 cents 2 pesos 2 pesos
10 cents 5 pesos 5 pesos (*)
25 cents 10 pesos 10 pesos
50 cents 20 pesos 20 pesos (*)
1 peso 50 pesos 50 pesos (*)
  100 pesos 100 pesos (*)

(*) The data relating to these denominations will be incorporated at the time of their issue. Ярмарка путешествий

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